"Absorption" and "Arcane Banishment" - superior skills bonus duration is increased."Step Between Worlds" - Damage increased.It nows add Slow to enemies instead of Burn. Level 2 now is a Magic skill instead of Fire. "Phoenix Bulwark" - Damages increase, duration increased."Aetheric Blade" - Damage reduction bonus has been decreased (-20% to -10%)."Arcane Banishment" - Damage bonus increased."Break Through" - Level 3: Defense bonus decreased (25 to 15%)."Banner of the Empire" - Damage bonus increased (20/20/25% to 30/30/40%) and duration increased at Level 2 (16s to 18s).

Level 2: duration increased from 16s to 18s

"Banner of the Order" - Defence bonus decreased (30 to 20%)."Herald of the Empire" - Level 3: damage bonus increased (20 to 30%) and defense bonus decreased (20 to 15%)."Purifier's Favour" - Counterattack damage bonus increased from 20/20/30% to 30/30/40%."Divine Reprisal" - Damage bonus increased from 20/25/30% to 20/30/40%.Level 2 allied healing increased (20% to 30%)